Monday, December 10, 2012

Some typical food in the U.S.A

by Valeria Clemente Lorenzo

The gastronomy in the United States is very interesting because it is practical and easy to do. Besides   all the people, including the children are accustomed to eating this food. In this moment I am only going to talk about two of these famous   foods like: hot dog and French fries.

Hot dog                

The hot dog   is from the U.S.A. Also this food is distributed in all the world. In the United States the “hot dog” refers to just to the sausage. Usually it is   consumed in summer. This can be of wiener kind; the snack is fried or boiled. The ingredients to prepare a hot dog are:

The bread: Is the most important ingredient to support the sausage, the bread can be big or small.

Sausage: Is the meat that usually the people put in the middle of the bread.

Vegetables: The vegetables are very essentials to the hot dog to give presentation at the food; this vegetables are tomatoes, onions, chilies peepers.

Condiments: The condiments that we can put on the hot dog are ketchup and mustard.

French Fries

The French fries are from U.S.A. this is a very famous snack in United States and in Mexico, for that reason I am going to talk about it.

The French fries are potatoes that are prepared cutting in slices in large form frying in oil, until this are totally roasted, and after, put on the potatoes some salt. Then we can take up the potatoes from the oil. This can consume with seasoning, ketchup and mayonnaise.

I am wrote about this topic because for me is very important know about the culture of   some countries, to make a difference with the Mexican culture.

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