Tuesday, December 11, 2012


by Abigail Enzana Nava

One of the activities I use to do in my practices is Bingo. This activity is very interesting for me because it can help to develop knowledge of vocabulary.

Bingo should be played by a whole group. Everyone need to have a sheet of paper, the students have to divide it in six, eight or until ten charts. The teacher shows some words (using resources), then the students choose the words according to the spaces they have and write one word in each space. E.g- If their sheets are divided in eight charts or spaces, so they should choose eight words. Teacher writes each word he presented in small pieces of paper, after this he goes saying word by word in order to the students listen and check if they have written that words. Once a word is listened, the student has to put a cross.

When you have completed and all of your words are crossed you say: bingo; the first person is the winner.

Memory Game


This is an activity, you can use in a class, it is interesting and the students like to participate because is funny, also is used to feedback and a mayor knowledge. Besides is used to learn more vocabulary. In this write I´ll give you the rules but first I’m to explain what it is memory game.

Memory is a card game designed for two or more people, the cards are laid out in a grid face down, and the player will first turn one card over, then a second. When the player dig over two cards and these are equal, the two cards are removed from the game, but if they do not match, the cards are turned back over.

The object is to match more pairs of cards that the opposing player. One point is scored for each matched pair, and the player with the highest score after all cards have been matched wins.

You can use some topic, for example: verbs, parts of the house, colors, places, animals, using in each card picture and the other card its name.

The cards can be: picture- picture, picture-word and word-word. I used more picture and word, because students to learn the names of the things and with the repetition they be able to remember more easily.

The Bingo

by Angélica Arellano Galindo 

In this write i going to recomendated a  game ”bingo”, this game is very interesting and funny for me, for this reason i think that use this activity in the secondary  school will be a very good strategic for the students  learn vocabulary.

This game consists in:

1. Teacher gives the directions to the students.

Y  Have students to draw a table with six boxes in a piece of paper.
Y  The students choose some word of the vocabulary, it depends on the topic, and writes these words.
Y  The teacher says the words, when the students listen this, they going to cross each word in the table.
Y  To finish the student that has all the words that the teacher said will be the winner.

This activity in secondary school can give the results that the teacher waits. Because is an activity of feedback where the students can remember the vocabulary learned.

I did this activity in my last practice, it was very useful, because the students were very motivate, and learned the topic.


by  Giovanni Mejía Pedroza

Bingo was a activity really funny and whit it a can check my work and my knowledge, this activity is with all the group and for this is more funny. The teacher has to say the instructions, the first one is that you draw 6 or 8 things in the notebook according whit the topic, after the teacher going to says the name of a lot of things according with the class, if you have a thing that the teacher says, you have to put a small paper ball in yours draws, the person who complete first the draws going to win!!!!.

This activity I can use when I’m going to practice  in my group because is very interesting, funny, easy and very effective for a fast check of vocabulary or concepts that has the topic, the last practice, I use this activity and  the students wants to participate  with it, and the most important, they learn more vocabulary, and they relate the word with the picture for know that represent the word. 

The Mistake Circle

by Jazmin Montoya Salazar

In all the visits in secondary school, I had seen a lot of problems with the teachers have to resolve respect to their teacher practice into the classroom.  The ingredient of these problem can to have influence with the missing motivation in the planning. The major problem is that the teacher build the class with unusual components that don´t have relation with students interests, likes or dislikes, which result we´ll have a bad attention by students, and our class don’t be successful. I saw a very good dynamic that we can use to teach students with missing attention, because they have to involves with the activity if this doesn’t happen they can´t answer the questions.

They have to put their chairs in circle and listen the teacher.

The teacher say a word for example “beatles” (we can use sentences or anything, that be useful to the topic that we´ll teach”.

Teacher just tell to one student and the student have to pronounce the word if that is correct the student to tell the word to the text classmate.

If the word is bad the teacher crouches a bit, and tells the word again. If the student makes the same mistake, the teacher now squats next to the student that have to repeat again, if the final the student makes the same mistake the teacher have to use to the next student and if these makes again the mistake the teacher have to repeat again, to all the group.

That is very useful to small groups to teach vocabulary or tenses that it depends to the teacher creativity.

My Resources

By Jessica Sánchez Munguía

I like to be an English teacher. For my students I prepare always things and activities that are very interesting for them. When I planning my lessons I considered some websites as: http://www.mes-english.com/, this website has a lot of activities and worksheets that I can use with my class. I like this site because I can do my own activities as: memory game, bingo, worksheet with my own vocabulary. Also this page provide me others materials as games, vocabulary, flashcards to print.

Sometimes I use this website http://www.eslflashcards.com/, but I don´t like so much because I have to send some activities for this site and is very slow to get download and activity. But I recommend the two websites because there are very interesting. Also helps teachers to teach English using interesting activities and some dynamics for their students.


by Juan Manuel Hernández Vences 

Well I´m recommending to you this website for to learn English, I thing that the internet is a way to found some resources for to learn English, if you want of course. The website that I´m recommending is very funny, because you can to learn English very easy only searching in the web in wherever you want (house, cyber, etc.) the purpose is to know something about English every day.

I´m recommending this website because really this website are help me to improve my English, every day I spent time on the internet, and always I surf on the web about it, if you want to access only you have to do some steps for you can use this website, first you have to register with your name, surname and e-mail, with this you can use it, and every day you are going to receive some e-mails from Englishtown with some activities that you can answer and every day you can to improve your English. Really I like this website because at the moment that I´m surfing the time is flying. Finally I want to tell you the most important thing about this website "is free", now or whenever you want you can to access in this link http://www.englishtown.com.mx/online/home.aspx   and learn English easy and fast.