country has a culture characterized by the food, music, dance, holidays,
celebrations, sports, art, religious practices, politics, historical events,
etc. It is very interesting to discover about others countries, and to learn
new things about their traditions and cultures. Interacting with other people from
different countries is a good way to learn about them and their traditions and
cultures. These days, one does not need to travel. Only on internet you one can
easily talk with a person from another country through the internet, is very
easy, now there are many social networking services though which you one can
find a new friends, including those from other countries and of different
nationalities. If you have knowledge of their native language, language the
interview is would be easier. I met an Australian boy for on Facebook. We were pleasantly
surprised, because I am Mexican and he is Australian. We exchanged some phrases
in English and Spanish. I wanted to know about his culture, I saw some pictures
on his album showing about the Police playing Scottish bagpipes at Forest Place
just outside Forest Chase in Perth, this very interesting. Then I started an
investigation about bagpipes.

dress of men traditional to play in the bagpipes is a knee length garment with
pleats at the rear, original the Scottish, it is made of woollen cloth, is
called "kilt", is a knee length garment with pleats at the rear, is
made of woollen cloth, now this is used on formal occasions and Highland games,
sports events and now roots as an everyday garment.
hear the bagpipe is really relaxing.
Very Interesting... Congrats!!!