Monday, December 10, 2012


by Mónica (Moni) Gabriella Ortega Macedo

The U.S.A was formed by people who came from different countries, for example: The Netherlands,Sweden, Germany, France, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, but the main country was England. They came because they wanted freedom; others left their country to escape the war.

The thirteen colonies developed on British traditions, but suddenly they realized that English people devalued the power of the king, and the Americans started to do the same. Americans claimed their rights. That was how the idea of independence started.

After Britain won a costly war with France, the thirteen colonies were asked to:
  • ·       Provide food and lodging to the royal solders.
  • ·       Americans weren’t allowed to have lands.
  • ·       Pay the debt of the war.

After those acts the thirteen colonies were encouraged by the discourse of Samuel Adams and later by Geroge Washinton, to fought for the country’s independence.
After a time of fighting the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson on July 4, 1776. U.S.A become a free nation with universal rights.

That was a little bit of the history of U.S.A independence. But how do the Americans celebrate this day?

The celebration starts one night before the fourth of July with bonfires and fireworks.

During the day, families get together to make a picnic with typical American food. The most common colors, blue, white and red. are used in clothes, balloons, and streamers.

Patriotic songs are listened as the national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner", "God Bless America", "America the Beautiful", "My Country, 'Thais of Thee", "This Land Is Your Land", "Stars and Stripes Forever", all this songs remain the independence war.

Another important event, which takes place on Washington D.C at the middle of the day, is the traditional parade. It is full of balloons and streamers with the traditional colors. In the parade, perform famous bands from all around the country, this bands consists on musical instruments as drums and fifes. It is a wonderful and colorful show.

Another event that caught the eye of the spectators, are the giant balloons of Samuel Adams, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, which parade along the streets of the city.

I think the celebration of the fourth of July is very important for the American culture, because is the birthday of a free nation, and represents the effort of the people who fought to obtain the independence.

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