Monday, December 10, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

By Laura Estrada

This day is traditional in the United States of America; it usually is celebrating the fourth Thursday of November although it used to be the last Thursday of November.

This day is celebrated in appreciation for good harvest. The first time of this celebration was in Florida. The first national day of thanksgiving was celebrated by the president Lincoln in 1863 and he proclaim that is going to be held every year from then on.

American people organize a dinner this day with their family. In some homes is common offer a prayer before to eat. Often people cook a big roast or baked turkey. Traditionally this turkey is accompanied with a filling made with corn bread and sage.

Usually the turkey is serving with cranberry sauce red, some vegetables, and sweet potatoes, some desserts like a pumpkin, nut or apple pie.

This day is famous because is a holiday in the Unites States celebrated by all American families so is a good day to go out shopping and buy the ingredients to the turkey. Supermarkets and malls are full and are good business for the traders. The most business and offices are closed this day, but some stores, shopping centers, restaurants and pubs remain open

Thanksgiving Day is considered by many people as the favorite holiday in USA because the family are bring together around the table for dinner.

After sharing dinner people preferred diversions like watching football games and for others like take a nap or simplify spend time with their family.

Thanksgiving Day (en inglés). Encyclopedia Britannica. Consultado el 27-11-2009.
Morill, Ann "Thanksgiving and Other Harvest Festivals" Infobase Publishing, ISBN 1-60413-096-2 p.28
Una historia del día de acción de gracias “thanksgiving day” By Jhon Manuel Cáceres in 2008.
E JOURNAL USA. Sociedad y valores estadounidenses. Julio 2004.  “Celebra el día de acción de gracias” por Neil Klopfenstein

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